Maximising Attainment
A truly personalised curriculum
Broadlands Hall pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level appropriate to them but we remain rigorously flexible so as to meet the diverse and individual needs of our pupils. We take a holistic approach to education and aim to develop the whole person, maximising their academic achievement, social skills and employability. The curriculum is kept broad and offers students pathways towards recognised qualifications at the level that suits them.
Our curriculum is innovative and the qualifications offered are endorsed by the DfE. In addition to Literacy and Numeracy, a range of Foundation courses (with their own recognised qualifications) are offered, which enable progression through to Entry Level qualifications through to Level 2 qualifications, GCSEs and ASDAN Medals. Entry Level vocational qualifications can provide a more manageable, and often more motivating, alternative for learners who need staged progression towards Level 2 learning outcomes. By offering multiple level and linked qualifications, we ensure that every learner has a programme of study suitable to their needs and a qualification outcome that recognises their attainment appropriately. The qualifications we offer at KS4 and at Post-16 are approved and recognised in the DfE table.
Our schemes of work in each subject are designed to ensure that pupils are able to access and progress through programmes of study that are appropriate to their levels of ability. In all cases, irrespective of the level or topic being taught, we place great emphasis on using age-appropriate materials and content.
We have an additional focus on learning outside the classroom – with increased opportunities to contextualise language development through hands-on learning. The outside learning environment includes a natural science area and horticultural area, a sensory garden, a secret garden and Forest School. In addition, subject specialists from the world of work visit to give first-hand tuition.
Some pupils need to be taught ‘Learning to Learn’ skills before they can access the National Curriculum. In these cases, we use P-Scales to set and track progress across a range of topics.
Within the time allocations given to each curriculum element, teachers create personalised learning programmes for each student. In addition to lessons dedicated explicitly to Communication and Numeracy, development of both of these key skills, along with ICT user skills, is embedded across the curriculum.
Broadlands Hall pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level appropriate to them but we remain rigorously flexible so as to meet the diverse and individual needs of our pupils. We take a holistic approach to education and aim to develop the whole person, maximising their academic achievement, social skills and employability. The curriculum is kept broad and offers students pathways towards recognised qualifications at the level that suits them.
Our curriculum is innovative and the qualifications offered are endorsed by the DfE. In addition to Literacy and Numeracy, a range of Foundation courses (with their own recognised qualifications) are offered, which enable progression through to Entry Level qualifications through to Level 2 qualifications, GCSEs and ASDAN Medals. Entry Level vocational qualifications can provide a more manageable, and often more motivating, alternative for learners who need staged progression towards Level 2 learning outcomes. By offering multiple level and linked qualifications, we ensure that every learner has a programme of study suitable to their needs and a qualification outcome that recognises their attainment appropriately. The qualifications we offer at KS4 and at Post-16 are approved and recognised in the DfE table.
Our schemes of work in each subject are designed to ensure that pupils are able to access and progress through programmes of study that are appropriate to their levels of ability. In all cases, irrespective of the level or topic being taught, we place great emphasis on using age-appropriate materials and content.
We have an additional focus on learning outside the classroom – with increased opportunities to contextualise language development through hands-on learning. The outside learning environment includes a natural science area and horticultural area, a sensory garden, a secret garden and Forest School. In addition, subject specialists from the world of work visit to give first-hand tuition.
Some pupils need to be taught ‘Learning to Learn’ skills before they can access the National Curriculum. In these cases, we use P-Scales to set and track progress across a range of topics.
Within the time allocations given to each curriculum element, teachers create personalised learning programmes for each student. In addition to lessons dedicated explicitly to Communication and Numeracy, development of both of these key skills, along with ICT user skills, is embedded across the curriculum.

Curriculum Strand | Options include: *= QCF National Qualifications offered. ICT competency is embedded across the curriculum. |
Communication and Literacy | Makaton signs; Emotional recognition; Speech Therapy; QCF Level 1 (Reading and Writing)*; QCF Level 1 (Speaking and Listening);* Functional Skills English; *GCSE English Language* | |
Numeracy | QCF Level 1 (Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)*; Functional Skills Maths*; GCSE Maths* | |
PSHE and ‘My World’ | Citizenship; Sex and Relationships; Lego Therapy; Social Drama; British Values; ‘PREVENT’; Cooking; e-safety; Careers. ASDAN New Horizons (KS3) or ASDAN Transition Challenge (KS4) ASDAN PSHE Short Course. | |
Science | GCSE & Entry Level Certificate. Alternatively, some students will learn science via a combination of active and practical outdoor world experiences plus creative art workshops. | |
Creative Arts | Music Therapy Art BTEC Level 1 Award in Art and Design * BTEC Exploring the Creative Arts and Media Sectors* | |
Physical Development | Swimming; Horse Riding; Cricket; Basketball; Yoga; Move and Shake Football; BTEC Sport and Active Leisure* | |
Options | ASDAN Bronze, Silver and Gold Personal Development Programmes* or 2 from: BTEC Award in Business Administration *; BTEC Travel and Tourism*; BTEC Land-based Studies* BTEC ICT User; NB: Other subjects available at local mainstream school for able students. | |
Progress and Reflection |
Self-assessment Target setting |

Curriculum Strand | Options: *= QCF National Qualifications offered. All of the KS4 programmes are also available to POST 16 students. ICT competency is embedded across the curriculum. Communication and Numeracy for non-qualification students, maybe partially embedded across the curriculum. | |
Communication and Literacy | Makaton signs; Emotional recognition; Speech Therapy; QCF Level 1 (Reading and Writing)*; QCF Level 1 (Speaking and Listening);* Functional Skills English; *GCSE English Language* | |
Numeracy | QCF Level 1 (Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)*; Functional Skills Maths*; GCSE Maths* | |
PSHE and ‘My World’ | Citizenship; Sex and Relationships; Lego Therapy Social Drama; British Values; ‘PREVENT’; Cooking; e-safety; Careers. ASDAN ‘Towards Independence’*. | |
Science | GCSE & Entry Level Certificate. Alternatively, some students will learn science via a combination of active and practical outdoor world experiences plus creative art workshops. | |
Creative Arts | Music Therapy Art Therapy | |
Physical Development | Swimming; Horse Riding; Cricket; Basketball; Yoga; Move and Shake Football; BTEC Sport and Active Leisure* | |
Vocational and Academic Options | *BTECs in a variety Vocational skills, selected to match the aspirations and ability levels of students or ASDAN Bronze, Silver and Gold Personal Development Programmes inc. Employability* These courses are supported by outside speakers and visits to specific workplaces. NB: Other subjects available at local mainstream college for able students. | |
Progress and Reflection |
Self-assessment Target setting |
British values.
Broadlands Hall embraces British Values and we work hard to ensure that democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and respect for others is taught through the curriculum and enrichment programme.
British values.
Broadlands Hall embraces British Values and we work hard to ensure that democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and respect for others is taught through the curriculum and enrichment programme.