December 2017
Compassion has been the key word this half-term. It is one of our Values and the boys have been keen to extend compassion to others.
Following on from our Macmillan’s coffee afternoon, our Charities Captain organised a collection for Poppy day to accompany our in-school Remembrance Day learning and activities. Shortly afterwards, we raised funds for Children in Need by having a ‘spotty clothes’ non-uniform day and some Pudsey competitions. The year has been rounded off by a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ and bake sale to raise funds for Save the Children.
Of course, Compassion is more than just being aware of others less fortunate than yourself and raising money, it’s about showing compassion and being compassionate by nature. The students made us all very proud at a recent inter-schools football tournament that included students less able than our boys. Without teacher intervention or suggestion, Broadland’s boys collaborated to allow opposing teams to score goals and when they did so, they clapped and congratulated them, spreading happiness and confidence. (Honestly, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!) A teacher from another school approached us and said that she was really impressed by the exceptional kindness and compassion of our students shown to other teams. They still won the tournament and a great trophy but they gained (and gave) much more than this that afternoon.

More Sporting Success
If the football wasn’t enough, a different group of students competed against seventeen other teams to win a place in the Regional Championships of BOCCIA. No doubt their coaching from para-Olympian, Dan Bentley has helped. The next round is in March and the National Final (fingers crossed!) will be held in June.
And there’s more:
Our gymnastics team came third in a West Suffolk interschools competition that featured a synchronised floor display to music, vaulting and trampolining.
Next term, teams will compete in a Swimming Gala and Ten Pin Bowling tournament, we have high hopes.
Film Club and Theatre
Broadlands Hall School are full members of the National Film Club and one of our extra-curricular activities is an in-school Film Club, with a focus of socially important issues and true-life stories. As members, we are rewarded with free cinema tickets to special day-time performances in November.
Almost all boys were taken to see two films during film week following which they completed learning activities designed to compliment the films. This proved to be a really enjoyable way of delivering key messages about aspiration, fairness and British Values.
It wouldn’t be Christmas without a Pantomine would it? Thus, students not involved in mock GCSE exams were treated to a performance of Dick Wittington at the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds as well as an evening performance of Cinderella by the local community drama group.

Mental Heath and Teenagers
Mental Health is an increasingly important issue for todays young people, as they are bombarded with technology, much of which is distressing and creates anxiety and the pressures of today’s world. Young people who have suffered bereavement, or, who deal with challenging disorders are particularly prone to suffer from feelings of inadequacy and confusion. We have always regarded this area of our care and student welfare as exceedingly important and support this even more.
Seven members of staff have been formally trained in this area and they work across the school with our therapists and councillor to try to ensure our young people are as secure, safe and happy as they can possibly be.
Christmas Musical Extravagance
This internal and informal celebration was wonderful as the students shared talents with our local community choir of senior citizens. The improvements in confidence and musical talent was rather spectacular and thus we are all looking forward to our annual Spring concert.
Poetry Writing Booklet
Finally, I have attached a pre-publication copy of the original poems that the boys have produced this term.
All parents and carers will receive hard copies in the post and each of the boys have their own poem. Each student has been able to make a contribution and some of the pieces are indeed, not just original but profound. We hope you enjoy them as much as everyone enjoyed creating the booklet.
Dates for your diary
SPRING TERM 2018 | |
PD Day (Staff only in school) | 03/01/2018 |
Spring term begins | 04/01/2018 |
Spring half-term | 12/02/18 – 16/02/18 |
Last day of term | 29/03/2018 (Thursday) |
SUMMER TERM 2018 | |
PD Day (Staff only in school) | 16/04/2018 |
Summer term begins | 17/04/2018 |
Summer half-term | 28/05/2018 – 01/06/2018 |
Last day of term | 24/07/2018 |